Thursday, July 15, 2010

Medical Insurance Plans India

There are many kinds of medical insurance plans in the country. Each kind of plan is designed to provide protection from monetary problems that arise due to the need for treatment. Some policies cover only specific types of diseases, while others cover a wide range of problems. The main aim of policies that cover single (or a particular group of diseases) is that it focuses the entire coverage amount on that particular illness. For example, a cancer insurance plan will not cover any other kind of disease, even if the cost of treatment and the hospitalization period is the same. The treatment would only cover cancer treatments. There are however, disadvantages to such policies. The main drawback is that it means that you are not protected medically—you are only protected from that one illness.

Similarly, medical insurance plans are also divided on the kind of medical treatments they cover—inpatient and outpatient. There are some plans that cover only outpatient treatments, i.e., treatment that does not require hospitalization (dental, spectacles, lenses, etc.). But most policies cover inpatient treatment, i.e., treatment that requires hospitalization. Apollo Munich offers cover for both kinds of treatment in Maxima—a 360 degree medical insurance plan. They also cover day-care procedures and domiciliary treatment.


  1. A good plan. Easy Health-- individual is well designed by Apollo Munich.

  2. i too believe Apollo Munich's plans stand alone in terms of above mentioned factors.

  3. I have Apollo Munich's Easy Health--individual plan and am so satisfied with the company's servcies that i am looking forward to buy their family floater.

  4. I have heard of many health insurance providers. But where the Apollo name comes in they win hands down.

  5. these plans should be made mandatory for all.
